Demystifying the link between Facebook and brand advertisement

Marketing based on the Facebook social network is unarguably one of the best methods to promote a brand, merchandize and services. In essence, the Facebook social network is one of the largest in the entire world and statistics regarding the number of users have clearly shown that it surpasses the one of Twitter or YouTube, not to mention Google+ by miles. However, even given the potential of promoting the brand name to roughly one billion of potential customers, many world corporations fail to take advantage of it or attempt incorrect approaches at it. The following guide will point out the basic methods that can be used to leverage all that this social network can provide in a systematic manner.

The advantages of creating intuitive international Facebook pages

It is important to note that the demographics of this social network indicate that over seventy percent of the clients are residents of countries other than the United States of America. Consequentially, creating a strong Facebook presence individually tailored for the common languages in the world would be a boon for any global corporation. After all, although English is a widely spoken language, brands should account for the fact that not all users are fluent at this universal language.

In addition to that, fairly few global corporations took the time to adapt the design of Facebook presence to the specifications of different countries or languages. Given that potential clients are generally put off when they realize that they cannot find the product that has been advertised or the one they are looking for, intuitive pages are essential.

Exploiting the geo-social market via the mobile Facebook

This step is generally important for storefront companies, because the geo-location capabilities of the modern day smartphones in addition to the mobile versions of Facebook can be an important ally to any marketer. In essence, the local advertisement can boost the profits of any brick and mortar retailer or service provider and Facebook is practically handing you the tools to do it.

Combining e-commerce with the Facebook platform

The ads placed by different companies on the Facebook social network are generally redirecting the interested customers towards the website on which they can conduct the transaction. However, the untapped potential of making the sales directly through Facebook can bring immense benefits, even though the trend has yet to take off. It is fair to say that at the moment this social network is not as adept at facilitating transactions as specialized online stores, but it is very likely that the first companies that will launch the fad of shopping on Facebook are very likely to be remembered.

Interacting with clients and potential clients directly via Facebook

Basically, the focus of many corporations in promoting their products on Facebook is to stick to a preset schedule of posting different articles, content, messages, so on and so forth on their wall. However effective this may be, the benefits of creating an open communication line with customers, answering their questions, actively listening to their requests cannot be denied. Not only will the customers feel as if their opinions are taken into account and that they are communicating with an actual person rather than a faceless corporation, but the suggestions they provide could be invaluable.

Brand advertisement through ads

The common misconception is that the paid ads located on the side of the Facebook window should only be employed for redirecting customers towards the buy-websites. Well, given the fact that purchasing ad space is quite affordable, even for smaller or medium corporations, the ads can successfully be used to promote the company, the sponsored campaigns it is involved in, general politics and so on. In essence, the idea is that enlarging the base clientele can be done by educating the general public regarding the brand and what it stands for.

So there you have it, the link between Facebook and brand advertisement demystified; but do you know how to capitalize on it?


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